Sunday, August 28, 2011

Red Orchestra 2

Older Red Orchestra 2 vid highlighting the realism in shooting weapons. If you've never played the first Red Orchestra, it had one of the most realistic shooting mechanics ever created in a first person shooter. While COD or games like it are more twitch-based and make you feel real accurate right off the bat, Red Orchestra was the closest you could get (with a mouse and keyboard/gamepad) to actually handling a real weapon. When a weapon had recoil, you'd actually have to push the weapon down while shooting and could change out gun barrels when they got overheated in light machine guns. No running and gunning. Run, stop, get your breathing down, steady your rifle on a vertical surface such as a wall, fire, click twice on the mouse to work the bolt to eject the shell and continue.

While most people wouldn't really appreciate the amount of realism in a game such as this, it really adds to the sense of immersion. This type of realism/immersion increases my enjoyment with a game, as it gives a great sense of success when you get pass the initial learning curve.

Anybody ever feel the sense of accomplishment when you first started up an aircraft switch by switch in a flight simulator? It's the same kind of feeling.

Give a look if you're only slightly interested. The dev team started out by winning the "Make Something Unreal" mod contest, so they are "boots-on-the-ground" gamers at heart.

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